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The Secrets to Staying Healthy and Happy in the 21st Century

As we get older, it becomes increasingly important to take care of our bodies. Gone are the days of putting back a cheeseburger at 3 am and washing it down with a six-pack without repercussion. After 50 years, the pounds start to stick to places of our body we never knew they could and hair sprouts just about everywhere else. How do you stay in shape after the body you’ve known your whole life is suddenly unrecognizable? Simple pay it the respect it deserves.

Staying Healthy and Happy

Renew your Energy with Clean Eating

With fast food havens littered on every street and ads for all the foods we want but know we shouldn’t have coming at us from all angles, it’s hard not to give into temptation. But while it may seem hard, ensuring you enter your senior years in great health is nowhere near impossible; actually, it’s kind of easy. The key is to keep it simple- simple, pronounceable ingredients you can throw together in the comfort of your own home. Forget pre-packaged, empty calories and start whipping up lean proteins and leafy greens. You’ll be amazed by how much renewed energy that comes with eating clean and making something great with your own hands. And if that’s not enough to entice you, just imagine slipping into your old jeans.

Look Good & Feel Good

Taking care of our bodies is not only important to how we look now, but are also vital to how we age. The better care we take of ourselves now, the better we’ll feel as we get older. Though we tend to push it to the very back of our minds, old age has a habit of creeping up on you eventually. By exercising and living an active lifestyle we can help ease the transition into senior living. Remember that it’s never too late to start taking better care of your body. Start small, like going for walks or taking the stairs and gradually push yourself to do more. You’ll be amazed by what can be accomplished when you stick to making small lifestyle changes and the positive impression it will make as you get older.

However, our health is not limited to our outward appearances alone. Perhaps even more important than our physical well-being is our mental state of mind.

Mindfulness for Body and Soul

Exercising our brains and working to stay sharp can be as easy and fun as playing games. Bust out a puzzle or the chess board or even play some games online and work your brain. Mental health awareness is growing at a rapid rate; each day we’re becoming more and more aware of the effect our state of mind has on us. It has been proven that a regular meditation regime can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Take strides to ensure you’re feeling happy and fulfilled and if you’re not, be strong enough to ask someone for help. The real key to staying healthy and happy is in knowing when to start helping yourself.

At First Class Home Care, our mandate is to educate and empower boomers and seniors by renewing their energy and helping them thrive at every step of the way. Our Personal Care Managers are trained not just to support senior care but also on providing overall care and wellness. Need help? Book an appointment and we’d be happy to discuss.

Posted in Happiness & Joy, Health Care

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